Click the image above to see the individual “top 10” photos in more details, to read about them click below, and in either case please follow me on the social media links to the right or comment below
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“Magritte Poster”, created on the 24th December from a self portrait and image of a battered poster of René Magritte shot in Brussels on 14th December 2023
Other Images

“Rush Hour Spaghetti” – triptych made on the 21st December from images shot, in Brussels, on the 13th
Similarly, “Bruxelles Central”, below, processed and shot on the same day. This image is about the colours in this otherwise dark environment. The smaller section of platform on the right of the image, with the patch of red, adds balance and the image as a whole is very ordinary without it

“Magritte in Brussels”, composite again made on the 21st December from images shot in Brussels, this time at the “Happiness Expo”, on the 13th
“Stormy Eye”, contrast the “Sunny Eye” which is a direct reinterpretation of Magritte’s 1928/9 “False Mirror“

Reinterpretation of René Magritte’s 1948 painting of the same name
Blood from the eye of the statue created using techniques in my “Horror Effect – Adding Blood from the Eye in Photoshop post
“The Real Voice of Space”
Using my favourite Christmas present of the world’s worst bird feeder, shot, three times, in situ in Hastings Meadow.
Reinterpretation of Magritte’s 1931 “The Voice of Space”

“King’s Arms Bar and Magritte”

“Morning Preparations” – how different the lift stations are before the skiers arrive
“The Voice of Space with Vertical Stripe”
Does the smudge on the right add intrigue to the image? What’s the point?

Rough plan made for a Fellowship Panel of:
- Top row: 7×5 portrait images – starting with Magritte’s best known “Son of Man”
- Middle row: 3×2 landscape images
- Bottom row: 7×5 portrait images – perhaps ending with my post image that starts this post
Need to obtain feedback as to where, if at all, this would fit in the RPS’s distinction panel. Many images to be shot/ reshot.
New Artists
30th December: Marc Chagall – somewhat embarrassed to admit that I knew little about him or his work.
“I and the Village”, right, is definitely one of my top 10 paintings of all time and Chagall one of the top 10 painters, possibly squeezing out Paula Rego.
7th February: Marina Abramovic – the shocking Serbian performance artist who almost died on a few occasions. Have encountered her before but did not connect all the disparate works

- Joan Mitchell – one of the the original, although sometimes disparagingly called “2nd Generation”, Abstract Expressionists from the New York School, “Poem Pictures” below
- Yves Tanguy – Surrealist painter of generally biomorphic subjects in a strange landscape. His 1951, “The Invisibles”, left
Images shot by me at the Tate Modern

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