Goals Set at 2,500 Hours
Regarding the goals and aspirations set in my “The First 2,500 Hours – Review at 25%“, this is an interim report on my way to 5,000 hours which was the timeline for the goals.
Formal Qualifications
- CPAGB – Failed in November 2019 with only 183 points out of the required 200. See “My Failed CPAGB Submission“. I received some terrific advice from Ray Brammel who was appointed as my “Advisor”, and I now feel more confident. Resubmission, end of 2020/ early 2021 Covid-19 permitting.
Interestingly 8 out of the 10 images in my new submission have been shot since the 2,500 hour milestone. - ARPS – I received some limited feedback from the PIC group, on the 19th December 2019, regarding my multiple exposure images of London (only 5 images presented). Overall comment from Steve Smith FRPS(x2): “Look at how Peter Stevens FRPS did it, and copy that”. My objective differed from Peter Stevens’ in that I am trying to depict the experience of the business traveller or commuter and show London as a dynamic hub of commercial energy.
Since the Coronavirus lockdown I have been unable to take any more images, London has changed, and I have instead looked at re-processing the images I shot before in more vivid colours. Thus representing my recollection of London before the pandemic. Hoping to obtain some more advice about this soon. - AFIAP – I have all the acceptances I require for this with the exception of prints. A number of print salons, or the print section of mixed salons, have been cancelled due to concerns about coronavirus. However, I am reasonably confident that I will have the required 4 print acceptances by the autumn of this year when I can apply for the distinction.
- BPE1 – requires 25 acceptances into British Photographic Exhibitions. I think this is just a case of getting the acceptances as part of the general FIAP Salon process and applying.
Style Development
I aspire to create clean minimalist images.
My “go to” colour toning action adds a ColourTone adjustment layer to warm the shadows, with (10,-10,-10) adjustments, and cool the highlights (-10,10,10). This gives the appearance of adding contrast to the image, but I am undecided about how much I like the effect. Certainly needs more work.
Technical Skills to Acquire
I have moved completely from PC to Mac hardware having purchased a 27inch iMac and a small MacBookPro.

Specific skills targeted:
- I use a Wacom tablet exclusively, even for doing my emails. I haven’t touched the Mac mouse for months, literally.
- Pen tool in photoshop used on a regular basis to make complex selections. Still not an expert user – but getting there.
Artistic Development
Goal was to “improve the quality of the work I’m producing to the level of the FIAP International Salons” and in particular to do more:
- Monochrome – lots of Landscapes from Patagonia converted to Black and White with a few fairing well in FIAP salons
- Portraiture – Some images shot at reenactments at the Chiltern Open Are Museum, keen to do more
- Nature/ Wildlife, still an area that requires development.
Top Images

Shot whilst with my friend and mentor Yin Wong in Portobello Road on 21st July 2019.
Has done reasonably well in FIAP and club competitions but was considered too “high risk” to include in my next CPAGB application.

How Time has been Spent
When I started this project on 1st November 2017 I defined what counts as an hour deliberate practice and specifically what does not. Then in my post “Time Analysis at 3,000 Hours” I defined the categories used below:

Overall my time has been spent as follows:
- Shooting (including planning and preparing for shoots) – 17%
- Processing and editing – 37%
- Writing up this journal – 18%
- Learning activities – 29%
This means I’m spending over half my time actually “doing”, i.e., shooting and editing, with the other half split between the reflective activity of writing up this journal (including posts like this one) and learning how others work.
Recent posts:
- Tethered Workflow using Capture One Pro (Sony)
- Weirdness and Science of Circular Polarisers
- Lab Colour
- Shooting Royalty
Related Posts:
- At Zero Hours
- After 100 Hours
- After 250 Hours
- After 500 Hours
- After 1,000 Hours
- The First 2,500 Hours – Review at 25%
- Time Analysis at 3,000 Hours
- Half Way – After 5,000 Hours
- Two Thirds of an Expert Photographer
- After 8,000 Hours – 80% Review
- Goal Achieved – Final Review
Social Media Rankings:
- Facebook: 37 page likes – 42 follows
- Instagram: 84 Followers
- Twitter: Two followers, 14 likes
- Flickr: 22 Followers
- 15 Comments on the site page (including 3 from me).
Absolutely no promotion during this period, or indeed ever. Instagram has been a little neglected lately.