My third year of doing photography in the autumn.
3rd Autumn Review
Major theme of this Autumn is the the continuation of my use of multiple exposures, primarily in an urban environment but with some experimentation in a woodland scene where the technique amplifies the dramatic colouring as below:

Comparison with Earlier Years
This is the first time I’ve been able to look back on a season’s photography and compare it with the same season of two previous years. The table below shows the change in terms of both how I photograph, “dominant style”, and what I have chosen to shoot, “active genres
….. | 2017 | ….. | 2018 | ….. | 2019 | |
Dominant Style | Moody landscapes Early mornings Reduced colour palette. | Intentional Camera Movement Diptych and Triptych | Multiple Exposure | |||
Active Genres | Landscape Woodland | Landscape Woodland Seascape Street Architecture | Woodland Cityscape Street Abstract Nature |

Progress Toward My Goals
In the post “The first 2,500 Hours – Review at 24%” I defined a set of goals I intended to achieved by the 5,000 hour milestone. These included:
- Formal Distinctions – CPAGB unsucessfully entered in November, see post “My Failed CPAGB Submission“
- Style development – the use of multiple exposures is becoming my recognised style as is shown by 6 of the top 10 images
- Technical Development – in October I made the wholesale move to Apple technology including the purchase of a MacBook Pro and an iMac desktop computer
- Widen my style of image making in the following priority order:
- Monochrome – 2 of the top 10 from the season are in this category
- Portraiture – some work has been done
- Nature/ wildlife – 4 of my top 10 images for the season could be considered nature images. However, only the leaves would count as wildlife and this image suffers from too limited a depth of focus and too much glare. It should have been taken with the camera on a tripod using a polarising filter.
