This journal records the detail of my studying art photography through 10,000 hours deliberate practice.
Hours 7,011 to 7,126
30th November
Hours 7,122 to 7,126

(½h) updating the image left, “God’s Light, St. Paul’s”
(1h) Amersham Coffee club
(1½h) YouTube from:
- Blind Dweller:
- “The Haunting Paintings of Ken Currie“
- “HR Giger: The Monster Maker”
- created the alien in the film “Alien”
- Aurelio Salvador: “Paul Delvaux 1st Part” – Belgian Surrealist b. 1897
(½h) updating this journal
(1½h) Amersham Colour Group my entries below:
29th November
Hours 7,119 to 7,121
(1h) working on this journal
(1h) YouTube: Blind Dweller – “The Bewitching Art of Laurie Lipton” modern surrealism https://www.laurielipton.com/
- much motivation results from her having been sexually assulted as a child/ young adult
- declared that the secret to becomming a great artist is to do a lot of it.
(1h) Night Photography workshop with the Stoke Poges Photographic Club.

28th November
Hours 7,115 to 7,118

(1h) creating the “Little Knavesmire” image left, first as the LAB color image displayed on the day shot below and the converting to RGB mono.
It seems a good deal of information was lost in the transition between color spaces as there was visible banding in the mono which required careful balancing of the channels to smooth out.
(1h) updating this journal and the associated Flickr site.
(2h) Amersham Photographic Society – PDI competition, no skin in the game.
27th November
Hours 7,113 to 7,114

(1h) preparing prints for Wednesday’s Amersham coffee and PDIs for Thursday’s Amersham Beyond meetings
(1h) processing the images left and below as potential entries for Stoke Poges “Buildings” competition.
Left: “God’s Light, St Paul’s” LAB colored to emphasise the blue-yellow contrast
Below: “Fourteen Hundred Work Units” which aims to show how people are commodities in the modern office environment.

26th November
Hours 7,111 to 7,112

(1h) processing images from York
(1h) creating a couple of pictures, including the image to the left, in the style of Lucio Fontana’s slash paintings
25th November
Hours 7,106 to 7,110

(½h) early morning photography on York Racecourse
The image left of Little Knavesmire has been converted to LAB color and had contrast increased on the blue-yellow channel
(3h) YouTube:
- photoshopCAFE:
- “Easiest way to match colours in Photoshop exactly”
- make a rectangular selection of the required colour in the source image using the Marquee tool
- in the target image use SelectColor to select the area of colour to be changed
- tweak the selection a bit to make sure you have the required area and copy to a new layer
- change the colour of the image by using Image – Adjustments – Match Color and select the source document and the selection within this
- change the blend mode of this layer to Hue
- “Match colour between images in photoshop with curves and LAB”
- “Easiest way to match colours in Photoshop exactly”
- Sotheby’s: “Inside the World of Francis Bacon“
- Blind Dweller:
- “Francis Bacon – A Tainted Talent (Part 1)”
- similarity between Bacon’s “Crucifixion” and Picasso’s “Three Dancers” also in Bacon’s “After Picasso” both painted whilst working as an interior designer
- “Francis Bacon – A Tainted Talent (Part 2)”
- Eric Hall, who was Bacon’s early rich patron and secret lover, bought the “Three Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion” painting and donated it to the Tate museum
- “Francis Bacon – A Tainted Talent (Part 3)”
- “Good art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable”
- “Good art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable”
- “Francis Bacon – A Tainted Talent (Part 1)”
(½h) updating this journal
(1h) evening street photography in York.
Performance of ROMA by Anthony Lo-Giudice, modern dance theatre.
24th November
Hours 7,104 to 7,105
(½h) York Art Exhibition – “Sin”; including work by Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin
(½h) updating this journal
(½h) YouTube:
- Simon Baxter: “Woodland Photography with the 150MP Phase One XT“
- Louisiana Channel: “Photographer Thomas Struth: Culture Defends the Freedom of Mind“
- Sotheby’s:
- “Expert Voices: Charlie Minter on Modern British & Irish Art Week” this is the exhibition I had a private viewing of on the 18th.
(½h) Reading about Wolfgang Tillmans in this month’s edition of Wallpaper magazine.

23rd November
Hours 7,101 to 7,103
(2h) processing images from yesterday. “Shard Abstract”, right, processed in LAB color to accentuate the blue-yellow contrast.
(1h) updating this journal and the associated Flickr site.

22nd November
Hours 7,095 to 7,100
(1h) shooting in Stoke Common
(3h) shooting on the Shutter Stock, London Night Photography course

(2h) Stoke Poges Photographic Club – Print Competition, my entries below.
21st November
Hours 7,092 to 7,094
(1h) updating this journal mainly with notes and ideas from yesterday’s lecture from Ann Miles at the Thames Valley DIG.
(1h) researching Lucio Fontana with the idea of creating slashed photos, perhaps digitally manipulated using the darker area of the slash as a displacement map. Including the following YouTube:
- Sotheby’s: “Lucio Fontana, ‘Concetto Spaziale, Attese,’ 1965“, the slashes represent both:
- the death of painting
- a portal to what lies beyond
- Robilant Voena: “The White Slash: Lucio Fontana and the Sublime“
(1h) creating the Dungeness images below

20th November
Hours 7,088 to 7,091
(4h) Thames Valley RPS DIG – Lecture my Ann Miles FRPS: “Nature, Macro and Creative Photography”
Ideas/ thoughts:
- polarising backlighting to achieve a black background
- an iPad directly emits polarised light which is blacked out almost entirely by a polarising lens on the camera set to 90⁰
- the above will also sort out the pixelation of the light source where the display resolution of the iPad is less than that of the camera (nearly always)
- polarising a hairlight in portraiture will eliminate lens flare
- combining street photos as multiple exposures
- use a blue abstract as a sky
- example substitute the sky in the Dungeness image, below, to make it less “done to death”

19th November
Hours 7,085 to 7,087
(2h) processing the images shot in and around the Tate Modern yesterday, including the pigeon right.
Image right is out of focus, further blurred through motion and had blocked shadows. However, redeemed by the sense of motion and the fact that it is shot directly into the sun giving it a good composition vs the clouds, which also make for a dramatic sky.

(1h) researching the work of Pat Steir as discovered yesterday at the Tate Modern.

18th November
Hours 7,081 to 7,084

(½h) Researching the work of the Hodders [potential contact through the Forum group in NYC]:
- Fred – Photographer
- Monroe – Abstract painter
- Collaborations.
(1h) private tour of Sothebys showroom
(1h) Phillips auctioneers: “A Classic Vision: Photographs from a private European collection.” work from:
- Richard Avedon
- Wolfgang Tillmans
- Henri Cartier-Bresson
- Hiroshi Sugimoto
- Edward Burtynsky
(½h) Shooting at the Tate Modern
(1h) Live Zoom, FIAP Academy: “The Fine Art of Nature with Chris Fallows”
17th November
Hour 7,080

(½h) updating this journal.
(½h) further updates to the “Magritte Stole Corfe Castle” image, left, to address the issues raised by Amanda Wright, Judge at the Amersham competition on Monday.
Introduced to Frederick Hodder, a New York based photographer.
16th November
Hours 7,078 to 7,079
(1h) Amersham Coffee Club
(½h) researching the Polish/ American surrealist painter, Rafal Olbinski, who was recommended to me this morning, and updating my Artistic Timelines spreadsheet. Many interesting ideas for where Magritte left off.
(½h) further work on the Stoke Common A Panel; horizontally flipping image 11 so that it “leans into the panel” and better mirrors image 15 on the righthand side.
Paperwork submitted to the Royal Photographic Society for an Assessment of the above panel on the 12th April 2023.
15th November
Hours 7,073 to 7,077
(1h) editing and processing the images shot at Stoke Common yesterday.
(1h) producing the following new versions of my Woodland A Panel as a potential submission for an RPS Landscape Associateship.

(1h) working on a further revised version of “Magritte Stoke Corfe Castle” image.
(2h) Stoke Poges Photographic Club – Photoshop demonstration by Ken Grant.
14th November
Hours 7,069 to 7,072
(1h) shooting at Stoke Common
(½h) producing the following mono versions of the Still Life shot over the last couple of days.
(½h) updating this journal.
(2h) Amersham Photographic Society – Print Competition, my entry below:
13th November
Hour 7,068
(½h) listening to Sean Tucker’s “The Meaning in the Making” Logos – Truth as expressed by are which transcends factual evidence.
(½h) updating this journal.
12th November
Hours 7,063 to 7,067

(2h) shooting lots of combinations of pomegranate based still life images
(2h) processing these images and preparing for printing.
11th November
Hours 7,061 to 7,063
(½h) updating this journal.
(½h) shooting the “Burford Peril” image right
(1h) processing the above.
(1h) YouTube:
- The Conspiracy of Art: “Salvador Dali’s Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus)“
- Janus Zeewier: “Francis Bacon Fragments Of A Portrait – interview by David Sylvester“
- Hauser & Wirth: “Philip Guston: Laughter in the Dark, Drawings from 1971 & 1975“

10th November
Hours 7,057 to 7,060
(1h) processing and focus stacking the Still Life images shot yesterday. I’m quite happy with some of these images, but for a print competition, high key images work better.

(2h) Amersham Mono Group my images as follows:
(1h) updating this journal.
9th November
Hours 7,052 to 7,056
(1h) Amersham Coffee Club. Vic Attfield made a point of complementing me on my “Captured Souls” image below

(1h) YouTube: “Genius of the Modern World – Friedrich Nietzsche“
- God is Dead
- What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger
- Ideas misinterpreted, became the philosophy behind the Nazi party.
(1h) creating a JPeg for a print for Monday’s competition at Amersham. This was tricky as I have to reuse a mount so sizing was critical.
(2h) shooting Still life compositions for next weeks competition at the Stoke Poges Photographic Club.

8th November
Hours 7,046 to 7,051
(2h) creating the following variants of the Castle of the Pyrenees images
(½h) updating this journal
(½h) discussing the above images with Laurie Turner and the revising
(½h) preparing Mono photographs for Thursdays Amersham Zoom meeting
(½h) YouTube on the new release of Capture One – excellent new import function which auto-groups images for fast selection and ranking.
(2h) Stoke Poges Photographic Club – Zoom Lecture: Ric Gillams “Self-Drive Safari in Namibia”
7th November
Hours 7,040 to 7,045
(4h) working on 3 further versions of Magritte’s The Castle of the Pyrenees including using Corfe Castle which should be much more obvious.
I reviewed this image with Laurie Turner who suggested that although the later versions showed the castle more clearly, the clouds were more iconically surrealist in my first attempts.

(2h) Amersham Photographic Society – Lecture Damien Demolder “Building a Street Picture”
- Look for frames for the image: shoot through windows, doors or gaps in people’s arms or legs. or merely position people in a patch of light
- Add depth by using reflections.
6th November
Hours 7,035 to 7,039
(1h) updating this journal including updating all the images and social media connections for the London Wetland Centre images and notes for the YouTube videos.

(3h) producing the image left which is inspired by René Magritte’s 1959 “The Castle of the Pyrenees”.
According to Whitewalls Magazine the painting “symbolizes isolation, detachment, and escape”.
(1h) processing other images and preparing prints for the Coffee Club meeting this week.
5th November
Hours 7,030 to 7,034
(½h) updating this journal

(3½h) processing the images shot yesterday.
Pideon’s Eye, right was enhanced using Topaz Gigapixel to increasefile size by a factor of 6

(1h) YouTube:
- photoshopCAFE:
- “Easy Circular Selection in Photoshop, transform selection” use the transform selection – works for any kind of selection
- “Don’t make AI selections in Photoshop without these essential settings”
- Cloud settings dives a better result
- Select and Mask – brings up options for:
- Refine hair
- Decontaminate Colors
- “3 Steps to Perfect Shadows”
- 1 Effects Drop Shadow – Opacity 100%, everything else 0
Effects Create layer – object in complete black - 2 Transform – flip vertically and move into position
- 3 Filter: Blur gallery, Field Blur to create less blur closer to the subject, more further away; add a gradient mask to fade
- 1 Effects Drop Shadow – Opacity 100%, everything else 0
- Contemporary Art Issue:
- “Top 5 Most Expensive Abstract Artworks & Why?”
- 1. $300 million USD: Interchange (1955) by Willem de Kooning
- 2. $200 million USD: Number 17A (1948) by Jackson Pollock
- 3. $186 million USD: No. 6 (Violet, Green and Red) (1951) by Mark Rothko
- 4. $105.7 million USD: Anna’s Light (1968) by Barnett Newman
- 5.$85.8 million USD: Suprematist Composition (1916) by Kazimir Malevich
- $450 million Salvator Mundi, (C. 1500) by Leonard Da Vinci – only figurative work that out prices the abstracts above.
- “20 Most Famous Abstract Artist” – I have watched this before.
- “Top 5 Most Expensive Abstract Artworks & Why?”
4th November
Hours 7,026 to 7,029

(½h) processing images from Kefalonia
(3h) shooting, with the Amersham Photographic Society, at the London Wetlands Centre in Barnes, lots of familiarisation with my new Sony a1, amongst other things, shooting birds in flight.
(½h) loading and editing the day’s images in Capture One.

3rd November
Hours 7,021 to 7,025
(½h) updating this journal – notes and links to last nights North West Fed competition.
(½h) updating the images from yesterday.
![]() | ….. | ![]() |
Revised darker version | Original, with unlikely colours at base of tree |

“Those that Remain”
(½h) revising the image to the left to emphasise the misery of those mourning rather than the tribute to those that died.
(½h) working on other images to show at the Coffee Club next week and potentially enter into competition at some later point
(1h) YouTube:
- James Kalm: “Georg Baselitz, Albert Oehlen, Martin Kippenberger, on the UPPER EAST SIDE” top current comtemporaty German painters – lead to me researching other contemporary painters.
(2h) Amersham Beyond Group – the group liked my discarded cigarette packet.
Challenge #34 “Light in the Dark”
2nd November
Hours 7,016 to 7,020
(½h) updating this journal – mainly with notes from yesterday.
(½h) YouTube from the photoshopCAFE:
- “Whats new in Lightroom Classic 2023”
- AI selection masks
- Content Aware remove – almost but not quite as good as in Photoshop
- “The SECRET new features in Photoshop 2023”
- Live Gaussian Blur
- Live Gradient – ultimately adjustable even after application. Even type of gradient, location, mid-points and angle
(1h) Amersham coffee club with Vic Attfield, et al.
(½h) YouTube:
- Contemporary Art Issue: “What Makes Abstract Art Good” value on the following criteria:
- Technical execution – does it display technical skill
- Overall quality – does it feel like quality work
- Originality – is it new or merely a copy of what has gone before
- Continuity – does it sit well within the artist’s oeuvre
- Relevance/ Art historical importance – is it moving the genre forward
- It strikes me that the above apply to any work of art including photography
- Recommended book: Susie Hodge: “Why your five year old could not have done that” – which I have just bought
- Tate: “Damien Hirst on Francis Bacon“
(½h) processing the images from Kefalonia.
(2h) representing Stoke Poges at the North West [London] Fed competition at Field End which was judged by Chris Palmer who gave very solid feedback on the images judged, but gave my Melancholy Equine print a starred 20.
1st November
Hours 7,011 to 7,015
(1h) updating this journal, including all the new month admin.
(½h) practicing my presentations for this evening
(½h) processing some of the RAW images from Kefalonia in Capture One Pro – in particular the rock as a potential subject for the reinterpretation of Magritte’s 1959 “The Castle of the Pyrenees”
(1h) YouTube:
- Gagosian: “Jenny Saville” in conversation with Nicholas Cullinan, director of the National Portrait Gallery
- Gagosian Exhibitions – which I must get in the habit of visiting
- The Art of Photography: “Photography as Narrative” – best done in book form
- PIXimperfect: “Photoshop 2023” lots of cool stuff:
- Content aware object removal
- AI backgrounds
- *** but beware current release is buggy and liable to crash ***
(2h) Stoke Poges Photographic Club – Charles Harding Competition which I won with my presentation “Staying in Clavell Tower” – a surprise to me as this was thrown in merely if-time-allowed. My main presentation, “The Decapitation of René Magritte” was less well received by the voting audience.
Suggestions on PhotoShop gurus to follow on YouTube:
- photoshopCAFE
- Idea of using frequency separation on Landscape photos