This journal records the detail of how I’m mastering photography through ten thousand hours deliberate practice
Hours 7,767 to 7,854
31st July
Hours 7,850 to 7,854

(1h) organising and sending the Flower Show images to Rich Huckle
(1h) working on the “Setting up the a1” post, reminding myself about how the toggle focus area (red record) and the “My Menu” (AEL) buttons work
(1h) shooting the “Two Candles (After Gerhard Richter)” images, left
(1h) processing the above
(½h) YouTube, Imitative Photography: “How To Chase Light Like Trent Parke” fabulous street photography with extreme lighting.
(½h) updating this journal
30th July
Hours 7,845 to 7,849
(3h) processing images from yesterday
(1h) curating a set of image of Stoke Park which involved quite a lot of updating, including the creation of the images of rushes right, which has a still-life quality about it
(½h) preparing images for printing for this week’s coffee meeting
(½h) updating this journal

29th July
Hours 7,840 to 7,844

(3h) shooting at the Stoke Poges Annual Flower Show
(2h) editing the day’s photographs
28th July
Hours 7,837 to 7,839
(½h) updating this journal
(1h) creating the “Legs in Trafalgar Square” image right and updating the journal page for the 27th April, when it was shot
(½h) processing my “Garage Door” image below which was shot on my iPhone in a council garage block with the intention of being used as either a texture or urban background, for which I will almost certainly change the colours.
However, I think it’s quite interesting as a stand alone image.

(½h) research ahead of visit to the RA Summer Exhibition and TATE “Capturing the Moment” (CtM) exhibition (again) next week, particularly:
- Gerhard Richter
- Andreas Gurskey
- Lucian Freud and Francis Bacon
- Paula Rego
- Cicily Brown – “Broken Lullaby” Denver Art Museum & “Trouble in Paradise” CtM, both unsettling by suggesting violence toward women in a sexual context
- Jeff Wall & Katsushika Hokusai – the former’s “A Sudden Gust of Wind (After Hokusai)”, CtM, being a photographic recreation of the latter’s “Travellers Caught in a Sudden Breeze at Ejiri”
(½h) planning a homage to Gerhard Richter “Two Candles” photo
27th July
Hours 7,835 to 7,836
(½h) identifying images for the 3 sections of the Amersham Exhibition
Images to be submitted as follows;
- Main section – 29th August – between 8-9pm at the Community Centre bar ( as in previous years)
- Mono – 10th August – live meeting
- Beyond Group – TBC

(½h) YouTube: Imitative Photography: “How To Do Abstract Street Photography Like Saul Leiter“
- anchor points that are recognisable elements in an otherwise abstract image
- dominant yellow/ red subject
- frequent use of sub-framing
- shooting in the rain from under an umbrella with the tie making it obvious that it’s not just a camera mistake
The image left, “Two Towers”, is very much in the Leiter style.
(1h) Further YouTubes:
- National Gallery: “Picasso and Rodin: Facing Abstraction | After Impressionism” – an exhibition I visited on 27th April this year
- The Canvas: “The Painter Who Grieved Through His Art” – story of Danish painter L.A. Ring who after losing most of his family painted death in such an intimate manner that one may trace his grief through his art
- PhotoshopCAFE: “New Photoshop gradients on masks to instantly blend images”
- Contemporary Art Issue: “5 Upcoming Young Artists Today” as ranked by Art Facts – mainly sculptural installations:
- Julian Charrière
- Oscar Murillo
- Tabita Rezaire
- Martine Syms
- Jumana Manna
- Sean Tucker: “Finding yourself through Photography (feat. Ian Howorth)” – photographer of liminal space
- Tate: “Why haven’t I heard of the artist Hilma af Klint?” – well actually I had even before I saw the exhibition, with Piet Mondrian, that this is promoting
New concepts:
- Liminal Space – literally: where a person is during a time of transition – aesthetically: typically empty spaces that appear eerie, forlorn or surreal
- Internet Aesthetic – a new genre, e.g., liminal space, which is created and popularised by internet enabled social media.
26th July
Hours 7,833 to 3,834
(1h) researching how to send an image from the a1 to my iPhone, which is actually really easy and precisely what I wanted. Essentially:
- Go to image review on the camera, find the image you want to send (or one of them)
- Press the Fn button (with the send to phone diagram helpfully next to it)
- Open the IME (Imaging Edge Mobile) App on the phone – press “connect”
It all magically happens.
(1h) watching the Mark Galen YouTube “Sony Alpha Menus A to Z: Focus Area“
I did not previously fully appreciate that the “Expanded Spot” focus system first looks for a point to focus on in the spot area, but if it cannot find line of sufficient contrast to grab focus, looks in the outer zone.
25th July
Hours 7,830 to 7,832
(1h) creating a new, experimental version of Magritte’s False Mirror eye image.
(1h) Altering images and adjusting the layout of Lottie & Darwin’s main wedding album with the groom and bride’s mother. Then ordering a new version.
(1h) working on the “Setting up the a1” post.
24th July
Hours 7,828 to 7,829
(1h) totally finishing and committing to manufacture the “Director’s Cut” of Lottie and Darwin’ wedding album.
(1h) creating the, slightly spooky, clouds in the eye image below from the eyes shot on Sunday. Currently not sure what I think of this.

23th July
Hours 7,824 to 7,827
(1h) creating an image that we didn’t shoot at Lottie and Darwin’s wedding of the bride’s immediate family with the groom.
(2h) creating mono images for the “Director’s Cut” album.
(1h) processing the images shot yesterday: a family group shot and several shots of the children’s eyes that I intend to use in composites, like Magritte’s, “False Mirror”, clouds in the eye painting.
22nd July
Hours 7,822 to 7,823
(1h) creating mono images for the “Director’s Cut” version of Lottie and Darwin’s wedding album.
(1h) shooting some family portraits and specifically some shots of the children’s eyes for use in future composite (obviously with the permission of the parents).
21st July
Hours 7,820 to 7,821

(½h) creating “Bluebells III” left which revises “Bluebells II” created a week ago by taking it back to it’s original crop so that the sharp foreground foliage has less prominence vs the abstract scene as a whole. I like this version much more.
(½h) updating this journal and associated Flickr site.
(1h) creating and organising images for Lottie & Darwin’s “Director’s Cut” album
20th July
Hours 7,818 to 7,819
(2h) creating and organising images for Lottie & Darwin’s “Director’s Cut” album; including the image to the right (which I obviously didn’t shoot – but I did process and crop – so joint authorship)

19th July
Hours 7,814 to 7,817
Woke up this morning thinking about the use of LAB colour vs RGB; presumably anxious about my one-2-one with Paul Mitchell later this morning where I may have to justify my use of this colour space. Which, quite reasonably, may be considered a ludicrous over complication.
In low light, when my prospective A panel was shot, the human eye relies more on rods than cones, whereas the digital camera has only the equivalent of cones. My theory therefore:
“In low light conditions a scene seen though a digital viewfinder will appear more colourful than it does when viewed directly.”
Theory for testing -19 July 2023
(½h) creating the mono version of the Field Abstract Panel shot over the weekend. Mono conversion made in Lightroom.

(½h) updating this journal
(1h) One-2-One session with Paul Mitchell FRPS discussing my revised A Panel.
(2h) working on the Director’s Cut of Lottie and Darwin’s Wedding album.
18th July
Hours 7,809 to 7,813
(5h) working on the Director’s Cut images from Lottie and Darwin’s Wedding.
17th July
Hours 7,805 to 7,808
(½h) updating this journal
(½h) review of the images shot over the weekend
(1h) YouTube:
- The Mindful Art: “Surreal Photography by Karl Roberts“
- i3: Images, Ideas, Inspiration: “A Talk By Surreal Photographer Brooke DiDonato” – inspirational.
(1h) creating the panel of images from the abstract field images shot on Saturday (2 days ago)
(1h) working on the Director’s Cut images from Lottie and Darwin’s Wedding.
16th July
Hour 7,804
(1h) early morning street photography in Abingdon. Practice using the new camera settings. In particular the burst mode function assigned to the button on the lends and the alternative focus zone that the red record button toggles through.
15th July
Hour 7,803
(1h) shooting abstract landscapes from towpath in Wallingford whilst on a boating weekend on the Thames. The goal was to shoot a series which are very similar in format so that the differences are highlighted.

14th July
Hour 7,802
(½h) updating this journal
(½h) making the suggested revisions to the images presented at yesterday’s mono group meeting.
“Bluebells II”, right
“Getting Out”, below

13th July
Hours 7,798 to 7,801
(½h) updating this journal
(½h) working on a next iteration of the “Reflected Window” image which has:
- the more dynamic crop;
- the double vertical lines moved into the image

Notes about the above image from yesterday: although the wider crop feels more balanced, as Laurie Turner explained yesterday, when thought of as a series of rectangular compositional elements, their positioning is “uncomfortable” due to there being the same distance between the window and the edge of the frame, and the width of the window.
(1h) working on some of the mono images for Lottie and Darwin’s wedding “Director’s Cut” album.
(2h) Amersham Mono group where the following images were presented:
12th July
Hours 7,794 to 7,797

(1½h) at the Amersham coffee club discussing some of my recent images.
(½h) working on some of the images discussed in the coffee meeting, including the “Battersea Turbine Hall” right and “Hidden Self-Portrait“
(2h) further work on the “Movement in the Turbine Hall” image below, including:
- finishing the layered/ normal blend mode version below
- selectively masking in a flattened version of the darken blend modes to fill in any gaps/ remove halos
- overall toning.

11th July
Hours 7,792 to 7,793
(2h) experimenting with the object selection tool to create a better version of the “Movement in the Turbine Hall” image below. This is still a tedious process.

10th July
Hours 7,790 to 7,791
(½h) updating this journal, mainly with regard to the images created yesterday.
(1½h) processing the “Movement in the Turbine Hall – I” image, right. In particular using the object selection tool as an aide to masking some of the elements, in this quick production which was done mainly using the darken blend mode.
Had an idea to use this tool to better mix the layers with a normal blend mode.

9th July
Hours 7,787 to 7,789

(1h) starting work on a man and dog composite for the SPPC Composite competition next season.
8th July
Hours 7,783 to 7,786
(2h) editing and processing yesterday’s eclectic batch of photos in Capture One Pro, then exporting to Lightroom.
(2h) processing yesterday’s images in photoshop and preparing these and others for printing for next Wednesday’s coffee meeting.
7th July
Hours 7,780 to 7,782
(1h) working on the “Setting up the A1” post and implementing setting on the camera as I do so:
- one cannot assign values for Auto Review in each of the memory functions, i.e., for Portrait, Action or Landscape modes, or assign this control to one of the buttons. So I have made it an item in My Menu for quick access
- I’ve also set the AEL button to recall My Menu – compromise
(1h) at the Tate Modern, mostly at the “Capture the Moment” exhibition, but a little bit of time wandering through the permanent collection.
Image to the right, I’ve called “Inspiration”. I’m not sure why, but I like it.

(½h) street photography at the Tate, shooting a varied collection of subjects
(½h) initial editing of the day’s shoot.

“Composition No. 1”
6th July
Hour 7,779
(1h) working on the “Setting up the A1” post whilst actually implementing some of the setting on the camera as I do so.
5th July
Hours 7,776 to 7,778

(2h) finishing and publishing the “Revised Thoughts on Art” post
(½h) shooting the self portrait, left, for the above post
(½h) updating this journal, mainly with links to the above post.
4th July
Hours 7,773 to 7,775
(½h) creating the following, Laurie’s crop, version of the Reflected Window image

“Reflected Window II”
Coincidentally, the diagonal line now divides the image almost perfectly in half, perhaps giving this element more prominence and improving the dynamics.
(1½h) updating the Battersea Power Station images, right, including a final edit, some processing and creation of a Flickr Album.
(1h) working on the “Revised Thoughts on Art” post.

3rd July
Hours 7,771 to 7,772

(½h) updating the images in this journal and the associated Flickr site
(1½h) editing and processing yesterday’s Battersea Power Station photos in Capture One Pro and exporting to Lightroom.
Including the “Turbine Hall” image, left, which is a composite of 4 images to get the people in the best positions.
2nd July
Hours 7,769 to 7,770
(½h) updating the Reflected Windows images on the suggestion, from Laurie Turner, that the image was previously a little unbalanced with too much of the white side.

(1½h) editing and processing yesterday’s Battersea Power Station photos in Capture One Pro.

1st July
Hours 7,767 to 7,768
(1h) updating this journal, including all the new month admin.
(½h) street photography around Battersea Power Station London

(½h) editing the day’s photos.