This journal records my actual ten thousand hours deliberate practice mastering photography
Hours 8,403 to 8,475
29th February 2024
Hours 8,472 to 8,475
(2h) rehearsing and refining my presentation for the Chalfonts and Gerrards Cross Camera Club this evening
(1h) giving my presentation on Surrealism:
- broadly well received – lots of positive comments afterwards
- I was conscious about the risk of over running and instead finished in 30 minutes a talk that should have taken at least 45
- maybe show images from other Surrealists including Dora Maar (shell photo), Yves Tanguy, Max Ernst, Dorothea Tanning, etc.
- note to self on keeping an eye on the time, so that I don’t appear rushed and have time for all the anecdotes – who where I should be after 15 minutes & 30
- Could add some bonus images of mine at the end as a buffer, “False Mirror”, “Stormy Eye”, “Time Transfixed”, etc.
(1h) listening to Rojer Weightman’s presentation on the Dutch Masters
- Composition of still life – often has plates overlapping the front of the table
- Golden Age, Rembrandt, Vermeer, etc. in the 17th Century
- van Gogh was mid to late 19th Century
28th February 2024
Hours 8,468 to 8,471
(½h) shooting the dying rose again from a better angle and with less stem
(1½h) creating the next version of the “Memory” image, right, which I might submit for next week’s print competition at the Amersham Photographic Society
(1h) practicing my talk on Surrealism for tomorrow’s presentation to the Chalfonts and Gerrards Cross Camera Club
(1h) creating a new background for a homage to Magritte’s most famous “Son of Man” painting – struggling with the huge file size (greater than 4GB TIFF or 2GB PSD) for an image with 2 layers, both converted to Smart Objects!

27th February 2024
Hours 8,465 to 8,467

(½h) updating this journal
(½h) shooting images of a dying red rose for use in a Magritte style composite
(½h) editing and processing the above images
(1½h) creating a first draft homage to Magritte’s “Memory” painting
26th February 2024
Hours 8,461 to 8,464
(2h) updating and rehearsing my Surrealism talk before my presentation to the Gerrards Cross and Chalfonts Photographic Society on Thursday
(2h) at the Amersham Photographic Society – Lecture by Chris Palmer FRPS “The Eloquent Landscape” which was both instructional and inspirational
25th February 2024
Hours 8,458 to 8,460

(1h) at the Tate Modern including:
- discovering the new Joan Mitchell display in what was the Rothko Room, see “Poem Paintings” above
- revisiting the superb “Capturing the Moment” exhibition – Allison Katz’s 1980 “Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girls”, right, caught my eye
- a quick revisit of the “Phillip Guston” exhibition
- a sprint through the new Yoko Ono exhibition – lots of interactive pieces, e.g., the boat room below

(½h) shooting images for this post, including the mobile that forms part os El Anatsui’s “Behind the Red Moon” installation in the Turbine Hall, below
(1h) YouTube:
- CBS Sunday Morning: “Abstract expressionist Joan Mitchell’s life and art“
- Marion Cajori: “Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Artist“
- Blind Dweller: “The Jarring Paintings of Yves Tanguy“
(½h) writing up this journal

24th February 2024
Hours 8,454 to 8,457
(3½h) at the final of the North West Fed competition where the Amersham Photographic Society triumphed over Croxley Camera Club and my 2 images in the starred prints competition received the following comments:
(½h) updating this journal including the above notes
23rd February 2024
Hours 8,450 to 8,453

(1h) updating this journal
(1h) building a 2 dimensional orb to create reflections in the actual orb so that the 3 orbs appear to be reflecting each other
(½h) shooting orbs in situ in a field such that they reflect the fake orb and give the impression that they are actually close to another, as in the intended composite
(1½h) processing the orb photos in Capture One and combining in Photoshop to create the “Real Voice of Space”, left
22nd February 2024
Hours 8,447 to 8,449
(2h) creating a new version of the “Nefertiti with Blood in Her Eye” image including the recently learnt vein technique (17th & 18th) and enhancing the shape of the blood flow
(1h) rehearsing and refining my “Surrealism” talk for the GX talk next week
Some moon shots as a clear night

21st February 2024
Hours 8,444 to 8,446
(1h) Amersham Coffee meeting – idea of creating a collage version of the “Memory (of Nefertiti)” image using different paper textures:
- PhotoRag – wall, statue & sky
- Baryta – leaf, sea and post
- Metallic – bell & blood
Discovered Magritte’s 1963 “Art of Conversation” which literally shows conversation as uplifting.
(1h) updating this journal
(1h) working on an alternative/ refined version of the Blooded Nefertiti for inclusion in a Magritte composite

20th February 2024
Hours 8,441 to 8,443
(½h) writing up this journal and in particular the notes from yesterday’s competition, where I clearly need to do more work on these images.
(½h) preparing for this evening’s print competition at the Stoke Poges Photographic Club
(2h) at the competition
19th February 2024
Hours 8,439 to 8,440
(2h) Amersham Photographic Society – PDI’ competition – not a good evening!
18th February 2024
Hours 8,436 to 8,438
(2h) writing up the notes from yesterday’s Photoshop Tutorial YouTube
(1h) practicing the above techniques, including creating “The Voice of Space with Vertical Stripe”
[Some time physically constructing the prints for Tuesday’s “Macro” competition at the Stoke Poges Photographic Society.]

17th February 2024
Hour 8,435
- The Blind Dweller: “The Fading Beautiful Mind of William Utermohlen” – work showing the gradual destructive progress of Alzheimer’s disease
- Contemporary Art Issue: “How To Price Art — Part 1: Paintings, Works on Paper, Fine Art Photography & Prints (+Calculator!)” – (Height+Length) x Index
- Envato Tuts: “10 Epic Photo Manipulation Tips & Tricks“
- Generative Fill – for extending canvases, or elements within the frame
- Blend If – good for merging blackgrounds – I have used this quite extensively already
- Extracting Hair:
- Use Select Subject to get a rough selection
- Add a Layer Mask to create a rough mask
- Select the mask in the Properties Panel
- Click Refine Hair – although there are setting to play with, a simple click works 90% of the time
- Face and Body Paint Effect
- B&W adjustment layer and a Brightness/ Contrast layer set to c. +55 & -35
- Group the new layers, mask and invert mask
- Use a “Paint Texture” brush to paint on the subject
- maybe:
- duplicate for a stronger effect
- add a gradient mask to change the paint’s colour
- Use BlendIf to remove the paint from highlights to being in a shine effect
- Create a Planet
- grab a terrain texture layer and using the elliptical marquee tool draw our a larger circular selection
- Filter – Distort – Spherise (amount 100%)
- Repeat step b if necessary
- Add a mask and “voila”
- Backlit Hair
- Extract subject from background and duplicate layer, rename the new layer “fill” place below the original layer
- Fill the fill layer with whatever colour we want the backlighting to be
- Select the Move Tool – click on one of the anchors to enter free transform mode and select warp transform
- Distort so that the highlight hair just peaks behind the subject’s hair
- Mask away unwanted colour in the rest of the image
- Create Rain
- New layer filled with Black “using the paint bucket tool” whatever that is
- Filter – Pixilate – Mezzotint (Type: Course Dots)
- Zoom in – Select Colour Range – Click on a dot – adjust fuzziness to 200
- Add a layer mask and edit the mask properties
- feather c. 2px
- Contrast c. 50%
- Duplicate the above layer twice – select all three layers, merge and rename “Rain”
- Duplicate twice again and hide the top 2 layers so that we can edit them individually:
- Filter Path Blur – producing a motion blur, but not necessarily in a uniform straight line
- Place points on the path to create movement in the rain making it look more natural
- Repeat for the other two layers after increasing the dot size in each case and using slightly different blur paths
- Apply a Hue/Saturation Layer to all, grouped rain layers, click Colorize and add a hint of background colour
- Create Veins
- Create a new canvas, at least 3,000 x 3,000px
- Filter – Render – Clouds
- Filter – Render – Difference Clouds
- Create a new layer filled with solid white; place below clouds layer
- Reduce Clouds to 50% opacity
- Merge layers
- Image – Adjustments – Brightness/Contrast (50, 100)
- Image – Adjustments – Hue/ Saturation, click Colorize and select what ever colour works
- Add the above texture to the image with the blend mode Color Burn
- Mask and maybe reduce opacity
- Desired opacity may change from body part to body part
- Works well on bloodshot eyes
- Save the vein texture for future use
- Oil Paint Effect
- Set up the Mixer Brush (set 100%, Load 15%, Mix 15%, Flow c 3-10%) – ensure that large art brush is selected
- Brush in a constant direct
- Increase flow for a dramatic effect
- Paint Blood
- New layer, blend mode Multiply
- Paint on a base layer of blood using a hard brush and light/ medium or dark red colour
- New layer, blend mode overlay
- Hard round brush – brush settings “Wet Edges”
- New Layer, paint highlights on the blood, brush 3-6px size
- Use gradients on the highlights
16th February 2024
Hours 8,433 to 8,434
(1h) experimenting with blood splatter techniques
(1h) refining and preparing images for Monday’s PDI competition at the Amersham Photographic Society
15th February 2024
Hours 8,430 to 8,432
(1h) preparing and ordering prints for next week’s “Macro” print competition at the Stoke Poges Photographic Club
(2h) Amersham PiC Group meeting
14th February 2024
Hour 8,429
(½h) updating this journal
(½h) changing the “Memory (of Nefertiti)” image; making the shadow under the leaf more convincing. Required separating out the drop shadow of the leaf, distorting and the applying tilt-shift blur

13th February 2024
Hours 8,427 to 8,428

(1h) creation of the “Hello Gorgeous” image left out of elements
(1h) SPPC “One Image” event where derivatives, like my contribution left, from the same standard image, are compared and discussed
12th February 2024
Hours 8,424 to 8,426
(1h) creating the “Memory (of Nefertiti)” image right
(2h) Amersham Photographic Society – lecture by Mike Curry ‘Fleeting Reflections’ abstracts of building reflected in the water at Canary Wharf

11th February 2024
Hour 8,423
(½h) shooting portraits of my niece on her 21st Birthday
(½h) shooting potential backgrounds to creative composites from the top of the Shard in London using my iPhone; and the ICM “Jumping at St Paul’s”, right

10th February 2024
Hour 8,422
(½h) Updating this journal
(½h) Adding a blood drip to the Nefertiti bust below
9th February 2024
Hours 8,420 to 8,421
(½h) Updating this journal
(½h) YouTube
(½h) Shooting some framing images
(½h) Editing and processing some of the above images in Capture One Pro

8th February 2024
Hours 8,418 to 8,419

(½h) updating the draft “Winter 2023/ 24” post with details of Marina Abramovic
(1h) creating another version of the statue with blood on its face for a Magritte “Memory” image – needs quite a bit more work to both make it look more convincing and to add some splatters to the torso
(½h) preparing print for the Amersham Mono group meeting this evening, which I didn’t actually go to
7th February 2024
Hours 8,414 to 8,417
(½h) updating this journal
(1h) Amersham Coffee club
(2½h) Watching the Blind Dweller YouTubes about the conceptual performance artist Marina Abramovic:
Most famous works (1973-4):
- Rhythm 10 – repeated for 10 nights in Edinburgh; recording the sound whilst she quickly and repeatedly stabbed between her fingers with 10 knives until she had cut herself with each of the knives. Then after rewinding the tape on the first recorder, she would repeat the act recording the act on a second recorder. Again and again until the hour was up.
– repeated for a second time in Rome with 20 knives - Rhythm 5 – set fire to a large star on the ground in which she would lie inside. The lack of oxygen caused her to loose consciousness and after 6 minutes she had to be recused by gallery staff
- Rhythm 2 – involved taking 2 extreme medications; the first caused involuntary movements. Then after the effects of this, she took a second pill that caused virtual paralysis, this took 5 hours to wear off
- Rhythm 4 – she knelt naked in front of a high powered industrial fan to breath in as much air as possible. She again lost consciousness and needed to be rescued, even after elaborate attempts to stop this happening before the end of her performance
- Rhythm 0 – for 6 hours between 8pm and 2am she stood behind a table containing an assortment of objects including a gun with a single bullet and invited the audience to do whatever they wanted to her
6th February 2024
Hours 8,410 to 8,413

(1h) planning a potential Fellowship panel based on my images inspired by René Magritte
(1h) update journal and associated Flickr site with images from Andorra
(2h) SPPC Round 3 of the CACC’s annual Rosebowl competition – Comments on my images:
- White bird perhaps too close to man
- Would have liked to see base of glass in Surrealist Dinner
5th February 2024
Hours 8,408 to 8,409
(2h) selecting and preparing images for SPPC’s Three Nations competition against clubs in Australia and South Africa to be held on the 27th of this month
4th February 2024
Hour 8,407
(1h) processing images from Andorra
3rd February 2024
Hour 8,406
2nd February 2024
Hour 8,405
(½h) early morning photography, including the sunrise, right
(½h) editing the morning’s images
YouTube from Pocket Museum #1: “Understanding Nonsense (The Son of Man)” [just a few minutes discussing the enigma of Magritte’s work]

1st February 2024
Hours 8,403 to 8,404
(½h) early morning street photography
(1h) updating this journal, including the creation of a new banner and other new month admin
(½h) editing and processing last night’s and this morning’s images