This journal records my actual ten thousand hours studying the art of photography.
Hours 6,145 to 6,253.
28th February
Hours 6,249 to 6,253
(1h) updating this journal.
(1h) YouTube: “George Condo: The Way I Think | Louisiana Channel“, the updating my Artistic Timeline Spreadsheet. Condo is a combines the Action Painting of the Abstract Expressionists with Cartoon Drawing to create a style he calls “Artificial Realism”.
“Beauty is that which pleases without purpose”
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
(1h) Creating the following manipulated version of the image for the Stoke Poges Photographic Club’s competition tomorrow.

(2h) Amersham Photographic Society – Members’ Evening:
- Steve Brabner: “The Story Behind some Favourite Images” this should/ will become the basis of a talk he will take round to other camera clubs.
27th February
Hours 6,247 to 6,248
(1h) selecting images for:
- this week’s Open competition at the Stoke Poges Photographic Club
- the March Forum newsletter.
(1h) YouTube:
- Perspective: “Is Digital Real Art?“
- Sotheby’s: “Captivating Impressionist Portraits to Striking Cubist Landscapes“
- PIXimperfect: “The ‘Gradient Formula’ for Dramatic Black & Whites! – Photoshop Tutorial“, i.e., how to create B&W conversions using the Gradient Tool.
26th February
Hours 6,245 to 6,246
(1h) finalising the following surrealist photo

(1h) YouTube:
- The Art of Photography: “Do you need inspiration for your photography?“
- Behind the Masterpiece: “Magritte’s Enduring Power“
- Perspective: “Is Digital Art Real Art?“
25th February
Hours 6,242 to 6,244
(½h) updating this journal.
(1½h) Created a version of Rene Magritte’s (1949) “L’empire des lumières” surrealist painting where a nighttime urban landscape is shown under a midday sky. For my version, above, I used a photo from my Garden last summer, one of my Hasting Meadow Skys images and the blending techniques I learnt creating the Honey Advert below.
(1h) YouTube:
- Aurelio Salvador: “Dora Maar” – painting of Dora Maar which include a number of cubist painting of Picasso. These are more accessible that those painted of Maar by Picasso because we are familiar with what Picasso looks like through the abundance of photographs. The eyes in particular are distinctively Picasso.
- Sotheby’s: “Surrealism: Reimagining Modernity” discussion, including the singer-songwriter Celeste, including a version of Magrette’s “L’empire des lumières” which immediately prompted me to try something similar using the cut-out and blending techniques I have been working with other the last few days.
24th February
Hours 6,238 to 6,241
(2½h) reprocessing the Honey Advert image for the Karl Taylor Education working to a brief challenge. Making the lavender look back lit was the biggest breakthrough. Photoshop steps to create a mask around the lavender so that the white background becomes transparent:
- select the white area around the lavender using the Colour Range tool
- contract the selection by 1 or 2 pixels
- 2 pixel feather
- create mask.
The above creates a little bit of white fringing, which in this case is desirable and matches the edges of the lavender against the board, i.e., the bit that has not been cut-out.

(1½h) YouTube:
- The Art of Photography: “The Portraits of Irving Penn” – including his iconic “Corner” images where he positioned his subject in a acute corner and/ or asked them to pose on an awkward pile of carpet – this helps bring out the real person
- Contemporary Art Issue: “British Contemporary Figurative Painting: 25 Artists in the 21st Century“
- David Hockney
- Jenny Saville
- Peter Doig (Scottish but born in Canada)
- Adorama – Gavin Hoey: “Your First Photo Shoot Using Gels“
23rd February
Hours 6,232 to 6,237
(½h) reviewing the 15th image in my potential A Panel before resending to the PIC Group.
(½h) reshooting the honey pot advert so that the shadows are more credible, i.e., less obtrusive fill-in lighting.
(2h) processing the above image
(1h) YouTube:
- The Canvas: “The Intrepid Nadar” – pioneer photographer and hot air balloonist
- Sotheby’s: “In the Gallery | with Samira Ahmed“
- Curious Muse: “Bauhaus in 7 Minutes: Revolutionary Design Movement Explained“
- The Photographic Eye:
(2h) Amersham Colour group.
22nd February
Hours 6,227 to 6,231
(½h) updating this journal.
(½h) finding images for tomorrow’s colour group.
(1h) shooting another version of the honey advert.
(2h) processing the above images to produce the following:

(1h) out of 2 hours elapsed at the Stoke Poges Photographic Club – Three of a Kind Competition.
21st February
Hours 6,220 to 6,226
(1h) creating a new layout for the panel images created yesterday.

(2h) setting up and shooting the latest Karl Taylor Education challenge: mock advertising brief for an environmentally focussed honey manufacturer. So far this does not seem as difficult as some of the previous challenges. Used the Capture One overlay tool to project the art director’s sketch onto the live view when shooting tethered. Configuration as shown in the pictures below.
![]() | ![]() |
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(2h) post processing to create the following:

(2h) Amersham Photographic Society – Speaker: Amy Bateman – My life, Farming & Photography.
20th February
Hours 6,217 to 6,219
(½h) rewriting my A Panel’s Statement of Intent
“Trees of Stoke Common
by Andy Smith
Stoke Common is an 80 hectare site of special scientific interest in South Buckinghamshire.
Formerly mainly forest, recent land management removed the majority of trees from the centre of the site with the objective of returning the area to a state of natural heathland considered rare in the UK. This left the trees around the perimeter of the site sharply delineated against the cleared area, and revealed a slice through the middle of a formerly dense and unmanaged woodland.
I visit the site frequently and, with fewer trees, I admire those that remain.”
(2½h) creating an alternative Woodland A Panel to suit the above statement. This involved finding 5 new images, recolouring many of the old ones, and mixing things up a bit on the layout.
19th February
Hours 6,214 to 6,216
(1½h) processing yesterday’s images.

(1h) YouTube:
- The Photographic Eye: “6 Modern Day Photographers Wirth Checking Out“
- Wami Aluko – Nigerian conceptual female portraits
- Chieska Fortune Smith – creative beauty
- Agnes Clotis – Architecture
- Ian Thomas Jansen-Lonnquist – India/ USA social justice documentary
- Daniel Naude – South African Animal Portraits
- Daro Sulakauri – Gritty, contemporary, political
- Contemporary Art Issue: “Minimalist Painting: A Complete Overview (Definition, Characteristics & Top 16 Artists)“
- Sotheby’s: “Celebrated Works from the Macklowe Collection“. New to me was Sigmar Polke, a contemporary of Gerhard Richter and fellow Capitalist Realist.
(½h) writing up this journal.
18th February
Hours 6,211 to 6,213
(½h) planning the day shooting in London – sever travel warning – non-essential travel discouraged.
(1h) shooting in London during Storm Eunice.

(½h) at the Tate Modern. In particular I spent time in the Gerhard Richter room, which I had previously considered to me the worst in the whole museum. For the first time, I was able to appreciate, perhaps just a little bit the value of the work.
(1h) culling and processing the day’s images in Capture One.
17th February
Hours 6,206 to 6,210
(2h) writing up this journal, in particular the notes from the Alfred Stieglitz” documentary.
(1h) sorting and processing images for a revised Woodland A Panel.

(2h) Amersham PIC Group meeting:
- L Panel
- A Panel – Travel: Palastine
- Abstract polyptychs by Chris Palmer.
16th February
Hours 6,203 to 6,205
(2h) YouTube:
- The Photographers Eye: “Photography Style Isn’t What You Think It Is“
- “Looks are skin deep, but Style goes to the bone.”
- Milan Mate: “Alfred Stieglitz” – long documentary on the man who first had photography accepted as an art (at least in the USA), first prompted European avant-garde art in the US (Cézanne, Picasso and Matisse), and then supported the new breed of American Modernists including:
- Marsden Hartley
- John Marin
- Arthur Dove
- Georgia O’Keeffe (who he married)
- Paul Strand (photographer)
- Gallery 291 was first establish to promote photography as fine art – showing Edward Steichen & Ansel Adams
- comment: many people who we’d consider to be geniuses said they all had one thing in common: an ability to keep working on one thing long past the point most people would find it tedious, boring, or frustrating.
(1h) Preparing images for next week’s Three of a Kind competition at the Stoke Poges Photographic Club.
15th February
Hours 6,198 to 6,202
(1h) creating the following “Smoking Mountain Patagonia” from an old image that needed recropping and toning.

(2h) YouTube:
(2h) Stoke Poges Photographic Club – Print Competition: “Chrome” by images below:
14th February
Hours 6,195 to 6,197
(1h) updating this journal and associated social media.
(½h) updating my A Panel Statement of Intent
(½h) tidying my Lightroom catalogue and Flickr site
(1h) YouTube: “The Many Lives of William Klein (2012)“
13th February
Hours 6,193 to 6,194
(½h) creating the following from the Polina Plotnikova course.

(½h) updating this journal, mainly notes from yesterday’s YouTubes.
(1h) YouTube:
- Perspective: “Is New York The Global Capitol Of The Arts?“
- TED: “What is Abstract Expressionism“
- Sotheby’s: “Ominous Land: Philip Guston’s Striking Depiction of Injustice“
- Louisiana Channel: “The photograph always holds two layers. | Photographer Krass Clement“
12th February
Hours 6,190 to 6,192
(2h) combining images from the flower photography course with Polina Plotnikova.

(1h) YouTube:
- Sean Tucker: “Enhancing Eyes in your Portraits (Portrait Editing Series pt.2)“. Sean uses curves adjustment layers in photoshop without any actual curves adjustment but to carry the blend mode and a blacked-out mask so that the effect can be applied with a 3-4% flow rate soft white brush:
- Screen: whiten the lower part of the eye – enhancing where the light would naturally fall in the area not in the shadow of the eyelid
- Colour Burn: bring out the colour elements in the “fans” of the iris
- Multiply: darken the rim around the edge of the iris for greater definition
- Heal the more major veins in the eye (settings: select all ayers & lighten blend mode)
- Sotheby’s:
- The Canvas: “How Masks Influenced James Ensor’s Art“
11th February
Hours 6,184 to 6,189
(5h) course at Amersham Studios – Intermediate Flower Photography with Polina Plotnikova.

Flower photography version of the studio portraiture of Jake Wangner as discovered on YouTube two days ago.
(1h) processing a few of the day’s images.
10th February
Hours 6,180 to 6,183
(½h) updating this journal.
(1½h) working on the Oxfordshire Morris Men images including the following portraits.
(2h) Amersham Mono Group.
9th February
Hours 6,175 to 6,179
(½h) updating this journal.
(2h) processing some of the Oxfordshire Morris Men images.

(1½h) Karl Taylor Education – review of Milk Splash challenge.
Comments on my entry:
- liquid looks like milk (good)
- pour good, although would have been criticised for being too regular relative to the brief
- lighting creates the required soft, morning feel, although should have been from the back
- problem: splash is completely the wrong shape – which I knew.
Big tip: when shooting irregular organic object, the warp tool in Photoshop can be very effective is achieving the desired shape.
(1h) YouTube:
- The Photographer’s Eye:
- “Photo Rules: What happens if you stop following them?” – learn the rules so that if you break them, you break them deliberately. Picasso said: “Learn the rules like a pro, break them like an artist!”
- “William Klein’s Photos Ignore ‘The Rules’ (Learn From Them)“
- Frederik Travatten: “How to take pictures like Jake Wangner” – ICM in high contrast portraiture, get trailing lines from the bright side of the image leaving the darker side undisturbed
- Photoshop Training Channel: “Automatically White Balance a Photo in Photoshop” – useful tip worth exploring further. From a Curves Adjustment layer:
- <Option>Click the Auto button to bring up the options panel
- Select: “Find Dark & Light Colours”
- Enable: “Snap Neutral Midtones”
- “Save as defaults”
8th February
Hours 6,169 to 6,174
(½h) reviewing the winning images of the 2022 Sony World Photography Awards.
(½h) updating this journal.
(1h) further tweaking of the Stourbridge Stagger photos, then loading to Flickr.
(1h) shooting some “Crome” images for next week’s print competition at the Stoke Poges Photographic Club.

(1h) Stoke Poges Photographic Club – review of Light Painting images. Key takeaway for me was the possibility of creating soft yet targeted lighting on a subject by directing a narrow beam torch at the key area, but moving so that it is illuminated from many different angles.
(2h) processing images for next week’s competition including the following:

7th February
Hours 6,164 to 6,168
(2h) processing images from the Stourbridge Stagger. Including the following portrait of the club’s oldest member and the only club member who is allowed to run rather than marshal.
(1h) YouTube:
- The Photographer’s Eye: “What to Photograph When There’s Nothing to Photograph” – inspirational stuff about looking for different viewpoints or lighting, or just shooting from a different psychological perspective, e.g., if you think you live in a boring place, shoot what makes it so boring
- New Britain Museum of Modern Art: “Helen Frankenthaler: Late Works, 1990–2003“
(2h) Amersham Photographic Club – Lecture by Colin Harrison who has collected the most formidable number of distinctions and awards including being the joint second person to achieve the EFIAP/ D3.
6th February
Hours 6,162 to 6,163
(1½h) shooting the “Stourbridge Stagger” for the Stourbridge running club.
(½h) Selecting 188 out of the 1,012 image shot to import onto my desktop computer. This was achieved purely by looking at the thumbnails in the import dialogue.
5th February
Hours 6,160 to 6,161
(1h) processing some of the Lincoln images including the following shot whilst visiting the Bomber Command memorial.

(1h) updating this journal and associated Flickr site.
4th February
Hours 6,156 to 6,159

(½h) updating this journal.
(2½h) Editing the Lincoln images including the “Bomber Command Memorial Spire” right, which I think has some merit from a graphical point of view. The framing is an artefact of the panoramic stitching in CaptureOne.
(1h) YouTube:
- London Live: “Francis Bacon at the Royal Academy” – review of the exhibition I went to two days ago
- Tuen Tony Twok: “Fernand Leger 1881-1955 French painter, designer, semi-abstract Cubist” – paintings set to music
- Art Nature: “Fernand Léger | Great Artists“
- Sotheby’s: “Fernand Léger’s Radical Cubist Vision“
- Christie’s: “‘Changing the Way We Look at Art’ | Fernand Léger’s ‘Contraste de formes’“
3rd February
Hours 6,151 to 6,155
(½h) updating this journal.
(1h) moving the Lincoln images to my main computer, adding the later additions and processing.

(1h) YouTube:
- The Museum of Contemporary Art: “Robert Rauschenberg“
- Manufacturing Intellect: “Robert Rauschenberg interview (1998)” & tour through retrospective at the Guggenheim.
Updating my Artist Timeline spreadsheet.
(½h) monthly image for the Forum group.

(2h) Amersham Beyond – challenge #29 “Book Cover”
2nd February
Hours 6,148 to 6,150
(1½h) Royal Academy exhibition: Francis Bacon Man and Beast
- life long study of man’s most base/ basic desires
- the glass frame represent the capture of a single idea
- depiction of the “Furies” from Greek Tragedy
- the triptychs show different angles and/ or different moment in time; they do not tell a story.
(½h) Dulwich Picture Gallery – Helen Frankenthaler
(1h) YouTube:
- Sean Tucker: “Making Friends with Change“
- The Photographic Eye: “Focus and Purpose Matter In Your Photos & How To Find Them“
- application of the ideas of Simon Sinek, from his book “Start With Why” (which I own and love) to photography
- Why – How – What: Hierarchy of thinking
- My Why is to learn to make art
- The Canvas: “Francis Bacon’s Screaming Pope“
- The Estate of Francis Bacon: “Francis Bacon: First Impressions – Michael Horovitz“
1st February
Hours 6,145 to 6,147
(1h) Journal update including all the new month’s admin.
(1h) CaptureOne Webinar: “Advanced Layers Tutorial“
- brush <control><option> drag right-left (size), up-down (hardness)
- use multiple clone or heal layers is you need different levels of opacity
- even skin tone using the skin adjustment tool:
- select skin area
- make hue the same; 100%
- make tone similar – up a bit so that it looks right.
(1h) YouTube in advance of tomorrow’s exhibitions:
- ArtTop10: “REVIEW: Francis Bacon – MAN AND BEAST – The Royal Academy of Arts“
- Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame: “Helen Frankenthaler Tribute Film“