This journal records the daily details of my mastering fine art photography through ten thousand hours of deliberate practice.
Hours 7,485 to 7,610.
(May 2023)
30th April
Hour 7,610
(½h) updating this journal
(½h) planning tomorrow’s shoot in Norfolk with Mark Collins.
29th April
Hours 7,606 to 7,609

(2h) updating Lottie and Darwin’s wedding album with L&D. Now have a final version ready to go, together with some additional photos they wanted
(2h) spent working on the mono versions of the above album for “The Director’s Cut”.
28th April
Hours 7,603 to 7,605
(1½h) working on mono versions of Lottie & Darwin’s wedding images
(1½h) editing and processing the street photography images shot yesterday
Big discovery was that if I crop out the sky entirely, I turn a touristy snapshot into credible street photography
See image right: “Tourists in Trafalgar Square”

27th April
Hours 7,600 to 7,602

(1h) making the first few mono images of Lottie & Darwin’s wedding for my “Director’s Cut” photo book
(½h) updating this journal
(1½h) at the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square London, this is my “Artist Date” for the week as defined by Julia Cameron in the “The Artist’s Way” programme that I have started
Exhibition at the National: “After Impressionism” which didn’t quite live up to my expectations in that it concentrated more on impressionist painting, pointillism, etc., than the move toward abstraction, cubism and surrealism (7/10)
Some street photography in Trafalgar Square
The image right is a fairly sever crop of the original which was shot with a 35mm prime lens
It is more interesting because the skyline has been remove and the viewer is left looking at the people standing in the rain
See also “Legs in Trafalgar Square” made on the 28th July, when I was updating this post

26th April
Hours 7,596 to 7,599
(1h) shooting at Stoke Common
(½h) updating this journal
(1h) editing and processing this morning’s images
(½h) YouTube: Sean Tucker “The Story-telling Power of Self Portraits (feat. Iness Rychlik)” – website
(1h) Amersham Colour Group – very select gathering of only 5 of us.
25th April
Hours 7,592 to 7,595
(2h) working on Lottie & Darwin’s Wedding photo book
(2h) Stoke Poges Photographic Club – zoom lecture by Lee Sutton
24th April
Hours 7,586 to 7,591

(½h) shooting bluebells in Rowley Wood
(½h) editing and processing the above. The image left “Fern and Bluebells” is largely an abstract composition. I like the fern intruding in the foreground
(3h) completing a first draft of a wedding photo book for Lottie & Darwin
(2h) Amersham Photographic Society.
23rd April
Hours 7,582 to 7,585
(3h) finishing editing and processing images from Lottie and Darwin’s wedding
(1h) first attempt at putting together the structure for a wedding photo book.
22nd April
Hours 7,578 to 7,581
(3h) CPAGB assessment – failed
(1h) editing and processing images from Lottie and Darwin’s wedding.
21st April
Hours 7,571 to 7,577
(7h) editing and processing images from Lottie and Darwin’s wedding.
20th April
Hours 7,568 to 7,570
(3h) editing and processing images from Lottie and Darwin’s wedding.
19th April
Hours 7,560 to 7,567
(1h) updating this journal for the last couple of days including the notes from yesterday’s competition.
(7h) editing and processing images from Lottie and Darwin’s wedding.
18th April
Hours 7,555 to 7,559
(3h) Editing images from Lottie and Darwin’s wedding
(2h) Stoke Poges Photographic Club – set-subject competition: “One Colour”
17th April
Hours 7,547 to 7,554
(6½h) Editing images from Lottie and Darwin’s Wedding c. 1,900 exposures made, reduced to 365 imported to Capture One Pro.
Imported and started reviewing the 285 images from Mark, the second shooter on the day.
Delivered an initial set of 43 “unedited formals” so that the couple and their parents have something to see immediately.
(1½h) Amersham Photographic Society – Lecture “Outside the Lines” by Lucinda Grange the urban explorer and extreme climber.
16th April
Hours 7,540 to 7,546
Lottie and Darwin’s Wedding
(½h) preparing the lighting for the “secret” second kiss photo (2 Godox AD600 + further 2 Godox AD200)
(2h) shooting the bride and bridesmaids’ preparation; hair, make-up
(1h) shooting the ceremony
(2h) formal shots outside
(1h) dinner speeches, table shots, etc
(½h) dancing.
15th April
Hours 7,538 to 7,539
(2h) Preparation for Lottie and Darwin’s Wedding
14th April
Hour 7,537
(½h) updating this journal
(½h) improvements to the A panel images.
13th April
Hours 7,534 to 7,536
(1h) looking at potential improvements to my failed A panel by reprocessing some of the images all the way from the RAW files.
(2h) Amersham Mono Group.
12th April
Hours 7,530 to 7,533
(3h) at the RPS Landscape Associateship Assessment – which did not go well
- Images supported the Statement of Intent
- The sense of meditation and zen came across in the images
- Colour pallete good with good simplification
- Images 10, 11 & 15 are too dark and don’t fit with the panel
- Images 12 & 14 are “muddy” from a colour pallet perspective
- Questionable compositional range
- Image 5 over-sharpened & “crunchy”
- Presentation could be better with slightly larger images and different paper attached to the back panel – currently looked as though it was crinkled
Actual words from Paul Mitchell (panel chair):
“Reading the Statement of Intent, it is clear that you have a genuine affinity for this area, which is reflected in this very personal project, something we applaud in the Landscape Genre.
The submission was certainly seen as being calm and meditative and illustrates an individual vision and personal style. Submitting these as a sequence of square images also introduces a discipline that possibly an alternative format might not have offered. The balance and cohesion of the images was viewed positively; placing the darkest images in the bottom corners increases that sense of mystery.
However, from a technical standpoint, some of the assessors’ concerns were:
- Colours notably lacked separation and looked ‘muddy’ in some images.
- Some images were perceived as being over sharpened and too contrasty
- Repetition of perspective and composition
- Some of the prints in the presentation were not flat and distractingly glossy. Perhaps the choice of a matt paper would have been preferable?
- In this instance the prints could have benefitted from being slightly larger I personally think there is a lot to build on with this body of work. Knowing the area as I do, I would classify it as predominantly heathland, surrounded by trees and woodland. I also know that it is a location that looks interesting throughout the whole year as opposed to just autumn and winter. I believe you have two choices if you decide to progress this project. Either concentrate and expand on images that have a strong sense of design i.e., images 1 and 3. Or look at adding more variety by including more of the heathland habitat throughout the seasons. You also need to hone your processing skills by avoiding over sharpening and reducing the perceived harsh contrast.”
(1h) reflecting and writing up notes in this journal.
11th April
Hours 7,538
(½h) updating this journal
(½h) preparing prints for the London Salon
10th April
Hours 7,527 to 7,528

(1h) processing shoes
(1h) entering the London Salon
9th April
Hours 7,525 to 7,526

(1h) re-shooting wedding shoes
(1h) editing and processing the above shoe shots, including the image left which is focus-stacked to give a better shape to the heel of the left shoe.
8th April
Hours 7,520 to 7,524
(2h) shooting wedding shoes
(2h) editing and processing wedding shoes
(1h) YouTube: Vanity Fair: “How Peggy Guggenheim Conquered the Art World“

7th April
Hours 7,517 to 7,519

(1h) shooting Lottie and Darwin woodland engagement shots
(2h) editing the above
6th April
Hours 7,513 to 7,516
(½h) updating this journal
(1½h) updating my “Surrealism” presentations and notes
(2h) at the Amersham Beyond Group meeting.
5th April
Hours 7,511 to 7,512
(1h) processing the wedding accessories images from yesterday

(1h) researching key figures in the surrealist movement:
- Man Ray
- like Peggy Guggenheim, was an American who spent most of their active life in Paris
- painter and photographer, preferred photography as it allowed him to “avoid the stick stuff and work directly with light”
- Dadaist turned Surrealist – experimental or “accidental photography” to “challenging subject juxtapositions”
- YouTube: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art: “Crimes against Photography”: Man Ray and the Rayograph“
- Peggy Guggenheim
- cousin of Solomon Guggenheim of the Guggenheim museum, in the Frank Lloyd Wright designed building, in New York
- ardent art collector and gallery owner, self described “art-addict”, specialising in Dada, Surrealism and Abstract Expressionism
- father died aboard the Titanic (1912)
- she inherited the equivalent of $40m in todays money
- slept with over 1,000 men.
4th April
Hours 7,505 to 7,510

(½h) updating this journal
(2h) researching the early surrealist, updating my “Artistic Timeline” spreadsheet and “Surrealism” presentation:
- Yves Tanguy
- Kay Sage
- Georgio de Chirico
(2h) practice shooting of wedding accessories, including the shoes, left
(1½h) Stoke Poges Photographic Club: by debut judging experience; informally judging the club’s fun men vs women “Tomatoes” competition.
3rd April
Hours 7,498 to 7,504
(4h) practicing the “Surrealism” presentation for this evening
(1h) YouTube discovery of Yves Tanguy and Kay Sage who were, married, French and American surrealist painters that I have up until now paid little attention to:
- ArtsWestchester: “The Surreal Worlds of Kay Sage and Yves Tanguy“
- LearnFromMasters: “Yves Tanguy: A collection of 60 works“
- Kolimprint Art: “Yves Tanguy Paintings Documentary“
(2h) member’s evening at the Amersham Photographic Society where I was presenting “Surrealism” and Martin Warner presented his work on Telephone Boxes in the form a pop-up exhibition.
2nd April
Hours 7,492 to 7,497
(½h) woodland engagement shoot for Lottie & Darwin.
(1h) updating this journal with all the new month admin, etc.
(4½h) preparing my “Surrealism” presentation for tomorrow.
1st April
Hours 7,485 to 7,491
(2h) processing the Magritte style self portraits shot yesterday, like the one right
(4h) working on the “Surrealism” presentation for Monday
(1h) YouTube:
- Arti-facts: “Egon Schiele“, I did not know that he was supported by Gustav Klimt
- Bonnie RzM: “Photo poses for women“