The composition of a photographic image is the author’s arrangement of elements within the image.
Photographically, composition is influenced by all aspect at the disposal of the photographer including: their position, framing of the image (both in camera and with subsequent cropping), and determining the zone of focus.
At the start of my 10,000 hour journey to become a better photographer, one area of weakness was (is) composition. My Thaxted Windmill and Church Spire apparently is “poorly composed.” In particular:
- Two elements of roughly equal significance
- Similar heights in the frame
The more I worked on this post, the more complicated it became. So I’m just going to give mention to a number of important areas with a view to returning to them in greater detail in follow-up posts.
This is a topic I hope to review regularly. If you have any comments on this post, please post them below.
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