To see the above photos in more details, click on the image above, to read about them click below, and in both cases please follow me on the social medial links to the right.
Introduction and Scope
This is my fifth autumnal review of 10,000 hours of deliberate practice learning the art of photography covering the months. Specifically I look at:
- Photos from the Season
- Long Term Projects
- Progress Against Goals
- Notes
Photos from the Season

David Hockney style “Joiner” of the village of Wark in Northumberland where we were staying in September.

Composite of a Milky Way image shot in Northumberland with a foreground, shot specifically for this purpose, of a lone silver birch in Langley Park.
Astro images generally need an interesting foreground for aesthetic purposes. This is generally shot separately and composited in.
Langley Park is close to Slough where there is far too much light pollution to ever see the Milky Way. But if one could, at certain times of the night on a clear day, it might look something like the image to the right.

“Descending Waterloo Bridge Again”
Revised version of my Hoodie Descending a Staircase image which has won a few awards in FIAP salons.
This version is extended to the right to provide a bit more space and to show the shape of the bridge.

Opportunistic Street Photography in Oxfordshire.
“Armaleggan Boarder Morris Man with Stick”

Shot in an empty exhibition stand at MCM Comic Con at the Excel Centre.
The subject is Velma from Scooby Doo. The pose was her idea as Velma was always losing her glasses!

“Behind the Mask”
Another portrait shot at Comic Con.

“Abandoned Sunshades”
Shot on the island of Kefalonia in the pouring rain.
Intention, to convey the end-of-season desolation of the resort and the bleak beauty of the island in the winter months.
I like the quiet minimalism, the warm rain was like standing in a shower.

Another seascape; this time a panorama of the Jurassic Coast in Dorset.

“Watching You”
Shot in September but processed on the 7th October when I formally analysed why I thought it worked.
However, these strengths were not appreciated by the judge on the 11th October.

Karl Taylor’s Working to a Brief assignment #6 Fruit Pie Ingredients.
Mood generally good.
Detailed comments from Karl received on the 10th November.
Long-term Project
My most important long-term project, my potential Associateship submission for the Royal Photographic Society, was redeveloped following some forthright advice from members of the Amersham Photographic Society. Criticism included:
- many images, just not good enough
- lack of consistency, the panel looked like the work of different photographers.
The revised panel below contains some new images, all previous image have been reprocessed (hopefully in a less “heavy handed” manner), and consistent colour balance has been applied.

Commercial Work
Completed my “Multi-Year Time Lapse Photography” project for WG Carter, the high-end builder, showing a 3 year swimming pool construction project.
Progress Against Goals
I have learnt (developed) a technique to make a series of photographs look similar by tonality and colour balance. So, as with the above potential A Panel, the photos look as though they were shot by the same photographer.